Marriage: Louis A Barkus and Edith Laraway Bushnell
Being a small town that was mostly self-sufficient, it seems likely that Louis and Edith knew each other for at least several years before they married. Their occupations listed in the 1920 US Federal Census would suggest that they were working together in the Landis' Hardware store. Another commonality between them was the deaths of their fathers within a year of each other in August 1915 and 1916. Also, it is known that Louis corresponded with Edith (he called her 'Ede') while he while he was in the Marines.
The above picture is of a message (To My Sweetheart) sent from Pvt. Louis A Barkus,
U. S. Marines, to Miss Edith Bushnell, Malvern, Iowa. The date is illegible. The
picture was taken from the original material hanging on the townhouse wall of Betty
Lou Barkus Jones in 2007 after her death. The location of the original material is
Certificate of Marriage
Newspaper article about their wedding, probably from the Mills County Tribune, published from 1891-1922:
Ventures in Matrimony
Ex-soldiers Are Cheered By Helpmeets-July Marriages May Prove More Than Those During the month of June.
Every one agrees that Cupid had long ago decreed that the twain should become as one. Many are there in Malvern who will extend their best wishes to the two employes (sic) of the Landis store - Louis Barkus and Miss Edith Bushnell - in their embarkation upon the matrimonial sea. They need no introduction, for both are Malvern young people.
On Monday evening, July 5, following the festivities they were marrried at the home of the bride's mother by the Rev. M.A. Gable of the Methodist church.
Few of any of those with whom the groom and bride marched in the parade knew that the credentials needful had been issued two days previous. After the ceremony the newly-weds wheeled away for Shenandoah and thus escaped the serenading which they would have received.
The bride has been a successful teacher, and the groom gave service for his country.
The Tribune joins in best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Barkus.
No photographs from the wedding are available or known to exist.
Louis and Edith did attend the Methodist Church in Malvern, though it is not clear how regular their attendance or participation in the activities of church was.